
Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's All About The Numbers....Or Is It?

In today’s world, everything is measured in quantity.  The bigger, the better.  The more followers you have on Twitter, the bigger celebrity you become.  The more views that your video receives on YouTube, the higher your chances of becoming famous.  And for the rest of us “commoners”, there’s the ever-present “friend ticker” on our Facebook page—the number of “friends” you have on your account.  So, how many friends do you have? 100? 200? 1,000? I’m not sure where my number stands these days, somewhere in the 200s, but I can assure you that my number of real-life friends is much smaller.

Some things cannot be measured with numbers.  As many people who have lived more than a few decades will tell you, it is far better to have a handful of close, intimate friends than to have a few hundred casual acquaintances. I have been blessed with many wonderful people in my life, but my “friends list” is in fact quite small.  Less than ten, I would say.  And I consider myself lucky.  Very lucky.  Those priceless, devoted few individuals know who they are, and they know that their name is on my list.

 They know that I like chocolate, not flowers.  They know that I love getting real mail, in my real mailbox on my front porch.  They have laughed with me, cried with me, and sat silently next to me when all I needed was to sit and say nothing.  They love me for who I was, who I am, and who I’m trying to become.  I hope and pray that I have been, and continue to be, the kind of friend that deserves a spot on their list.

 Do not let the world’s idea of “friend” define you.  Do not forget to actually call your friends on their birthdays—not just send them a virtual balloon or piece of cake.  Do not forget to be there when they need you the most.  And when I say “be there”, I do not mean type a sad face next to their status update.  I mean show up on their doorstep, with a box of Kleenex in one hand and a package of cookies in the other, ready to hold them and let them cry it out.

Look for the good in a friend…and while you are looking for it, remember to return the favor.  Be a good friend. And don’t worry about the numbers…if you have one good friend, you are far richer than many.


  1. How true. We sometimes get so busy we forget about our real, true friendships.

  2. yes, we do. it's important to remember those people who have always been there for us, and to thank them, too! you are one of those people in my life, jeannie. so thank you!
