
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finish a Project.

Easier said than done, I know!  We all have projects around our house that need done.  Or maybe some that don't even need done, but they are ideas that we've seen and wanted to try in our own home. Especially now that everyone is addicted to a little website called Pinterest!

A couple months ago, one of my friends from the Quad City Moms Blog hosted what we call a "pinning party".  Everyone was supposed to bring an appetizer (because what's a party without food, right?) and one project that they wanted to get done.  It's such a great idea!  Personally, I love anything that involves multi-tasking...and food, too.  So why not get together with your friends, enjoy a couple hours without the kids and at the same time get something done!

My project wasn't anything that we needed done, but after I had just found out we were having a baby girl, I wanted to make some things to make the former "boys room" look more like a place for a baby girl!  So I picked the project "covered diaper boxes".  Basically, you take a diaper box of any size (which, if you are a mommy, you have plenty  of these to spare around your house!) and you pick out a fabric to cover it, and then (if you are me) you follow very specific how-to instructions online, because my brain is measuring/dimensionally challenged.  So, if you decide to do this project, I would recommend something like (she gives a step-by-step recap of how she did this in her own home)

Also, this project does not have to be baby related! You can use any kind of box, and you can cover it with any fabric you'd like...something to match your living room maybe, to hide all the TV remotes and random magazines?  Or even in the kitchen, a little box for recipes or cookbooks...anything!

Here's a couple pics of how my project went...

My fabric...VERY bright colors! Love it!

One hint...the fabric I chose for the inside of the box was too I ended up putting a ribbon around the box as well, just to cover up the rough edges where I had made a few one is perfect! :)

...and now it's all ready for baby girl Meehan...filling up with blankets and burp cloths!

1 comment:

  1. Your box turned out so cute!! Glad my tutorial was helpful!! :)
